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Types of Cloud Data Services

From delivering productivity tools like calendars, emails and conferencing to more complex applications that power data-driven projects, cloud data services are changing the way businesses work. They ease the burden of maintaining internal infrastructure, updating operating systems and applications, and getting rid of equipment and software that become obsolete. They also offer access to the most specialized resources and expertise that are difficult for smaller companies to manage or have the resources to.

Infrastructure as a Service is the most common cloud-based data service. IaaS providers provide VM instances storage, storage and application programming interfaces that allow customers to migrate and host their production workloads in the cloud. IaaS solutions are usually offered through a pay-as -you-go subscription model to cut down on upfront costs and enable IT to increase capacity as needed.

Other types of cloud data services include database-as-a-service. This lets organizations store and retrieve large amounts of structured data on demand with low latency. Additionally, a few vendors offer real-time data stores that provide millisecond-long response times. Amazon DynamoDB, Google Bigtable and other high-performance in-process databases can be used in data processing applications.

Cloud computing also makes it easier for users to access and collaborate on files across multiple devices. For instance, many businesses depend on SaaS tools such as Google Docs or Microsoft 365 to share documents and presentations. They can also make use of an online video conferencing system like Zoom to connect with clients and employees from various locations.

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